Name 3 Things You Love About Yourself ❀️


Welcome to Issue 58 of Writing and Other Stuff, a newsletter by me, Kim Scaravelli, with a focus on writing with personality and pizazz, and nurturing your creativity. Thanks for reading! If a friend forwarded this email to you, say thank you - and subscribe here.



🩷 QUICK! Name 3 things you love about yourself.

(Don't overthink it. Write down the first 3 things that pop into your mind).

Now look at your website. Social media profiles. Professional bios. Just take a quick peek. The goal is to grab your first impressions, not fall down a rabbit hole!

Do you FEEL those 3 qualities jumping off the screen?

Because you should.

Those qualities are your superpowers. They define what makes you unique, and special, and HUMAN.

And people are drawn towards realness. So if you don't feel your authentic self popping off the screen, it's time to do some tweaking.

FYI: Here's my list:

πŸ‘€ I'm SUPER CURIOUS about everything.

πŸš€ I'm BRAVE when it comes to trying new things, taking chances, and pushing out of my comfort zone.

🀣 I can FIND THE FUNNY in most situations.



Cool quote

β€œCherish forever what makes you unique, β€˜cuz you’re really a yawn if it goes.”

Bette Midler



Post-Its are your friend

Write those 3 superpowers on Post-Its and stick them in your workspace, where your eyeballs can't miss them. I keep mine on the bottom of my monitor.

BEFORE you write anything (or have that Zoom call), read those Post-Its. Get clarity - and confidence - before you start communicating with the world.

Trust me. It's a small thing, but it can make a BIG difference.



BIG Stuff Worth Sharing!

Want FREE help making your brand voice more REAL? πŸ€ It's your lucky day!

I'm planning stuff...

By the end of 2024, I want to have a robust collection of brand voice resources for entrepreneurs, experts, and business leaders.

Before I get started, I would like to do a few Strategy Calls with folks who are specifically looking for help SEEING THEMSELVES more clearly in their communications.

My fee for a Strategy Call is $300. But I'm offering a 1-hour session FREE to the first 6 people who book a call via this link:


This isn't a bait-and-switch thing... I promise.

I'm not trying to lure anyone into the top of a sales funnel. I just want to gather intel so my resources end up being SUPER-HELPFUL.

βœ… If this sounds useful to you, book a session!



For the Word Nerds

Question: What do the words delve, align, and utilize have in common?

Answer: They're all verbs that are over-used by AI.

According to a recent Financial Review article, the word "delve" is a dead giveaway that a piece of writing was composed by AI.

ChatGPT even joked about it on Twitter/X, saying β€œDon’t mind me just doing some delving today.”

Wild, eh?

If you want a list of words that make it obvious you're using ChatGPT, check out this article on Medium:​

πŸ˜‰And if you're relying heavily on AI, at least swap out those words.



Thanks for reading. I'll see you again July 24th. In the meantime, if you like my newsletter, here are 3 easy-peasy ways to show your support. Pick your favourite now, before you forget!

  1. Forward this issue to a friend and send them here to subscribe.
  2. Buy my book: Making Words Work.
  3. Hit reply and say hello.

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Writing And Other Stuff

Every second Wednesday, I share fresh ideas to help you write with flair, flex your creative muscles, and build a strong brand voice.