Why September is the BEST month!

Welcome to Issue 62 of Writing and Other Stuff, a newsletter by me, Kim Scaravelli, filled with fresh ideas to help you write with flair, flex your creative muscles, and build a strong brand voice. Thanks for reading! If a friend forwarded this email to you, say thank you - and subscribe here.

August 31st is MY New Year's Eve!

It's not that I don't enjoy summer. But by the last week of August, I'm over it.

I want to start wearing cardigans and proper footwear that doesn't demand pedicured feet.

I want to stop worrying about how much BBQ fuel is left in the tank.

And when I send an email, I DO NOT want to get an out-of-office reply from a client or colleague who forgot to mention that they were going to disappear for 2+ weeks in the middle of our project.

🥳 To me, September 1st is the official RESET DAY for order and routine:

  • I clean my office and treat myself to a new scented soy candle. This year, I've chosen a lavender vanilla mix. Delightful
  • I ruthlessly unsubscribe from newsletters and mailing lists that haven't provided clear value. FYI: I enjoy the remaining stuff more once I've purged the nonsense.
  • And I re-examine my work routines to see if they align with my priorities for the coming months. For instance, this year I condensed my availability on my calendar app so I still have lots of time to chat with clients and prospects, but I also have larger blocks of THINKING time.

It's September baby! And I'm ready for it!

Cool quote

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

3 Work Questions to Ask Yourself in September

  1. So far this year, what have I MOST enjoyed doing?
  2. What have I LEAST enjoyed doing?
  3. How can I do more of those #1 things and less of those #2 things?

Tip: Write things down. And review your answers in a day or two. More ideas and solutions may pop up after your brain has had a bit more time to ponder.

Also... don't stop at writing things down. 🚀MAKE CHANGES. That's what September is for!

Stuff Worth Sharing!

Here's an interesting article by SHIFT explaining Why September is the most productive month of the year.

And if one of your Autumn resolutions is to get back into content creation and start writing more, you might like to read My 15 Excuses For NOT Writing And How To Move Past Them. I've used every single one of these. 🙄And yes... sometimes I still use them.

For the Word Nerds:

If you've watched Schitt's Creek (which everyone should), you've been exposed to the linguistic creativity of Moira Rose. Over the seasons, her character came up with some of the best words EVER.

🩷 Check out The Bombilating Badinage of Moira Rose!

FYI: Thanks to Moira, confabulate became one of my GO-TO words. It completes me.

Thanks for reading. I'll see you again September 18th. In the meantime, if you like my newsletter, here are 3 easy-peasy ways to show your support. Pick your favourite now, before you forget!

  1. Forward this issue to a friend and send them here to subscribe.
  2. Buy my book: Making Words Work.
  3. Hit reply and say hello.

Writing And Other Stuff

Every second Wednesday, I share fresh ideas to help you write with flair, flex your creative muscles, and build a strong brand voice.