I'm a superhero and so are you


Welcome to Issue 52 of Writing and Other Stuff, a newsletter by me, Kim Scaravelli, with a focus on writing content and nurturing your creativity. Thanks for reading. If this email was forwarded to you, click here to get your own.​



πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈIt's official. I'm a Superhero.

Got home from vacation at 5:30am and still managed to get my newsletter assembled and launched into the world. Yay me!

Is this the best issue I've ever created? Definitely not.

But it still has good bones, and I think it's got enough meat on those bones to qualify as helpful. πŸ†I'm calling it a win.

Sometimes DONE is what winning looks like.

So don't just celebrate your moments of greatness. Give yourself credit (and kindness) on those tired days when you manage a few basic accomplishments.

πŸ’›Remember that every superhero has moments when they leave their cape in the closet and wear sweatpants to work.



Cool quote

"Realize that everyone that you think is perfect feels like they're not good enough, too."

Alessia Cara, Canadian Musician



Fun Variation on a Dictionary

Just started following a crowd-sourced dictionary called hipdict on Instagram. πŸ₯° Love their posts!

They share super funny (and truthful) definitions of common words and phrases. Here are a few wildly unrelated samples:

Fast-paced environment: A toxic working environment where you barely have time to breathe.

Napcrastination: (n.) When you intend to take a short nap but waste hours scrolling through social media instead.

Mosquitos: (n.) Nature's tiny vampires.

Warning: Once you start scrolling through their posts, it's hard to stop.



Stuff Worth Sharing

Recently subscribed to a newsletter called Flick Creator Club. The creator, Nathan Geckler, puts out a fresh issue every Monday, sharing practical tips to help grow your audience.

It's a short, sweet read and I'm enjoying it. I recommend it for content creators and anyone else who's trying to build authority online.



For the Word Nerds

Overheard a fellow in a coffee shop say his coworker was "full of malarkey."

Malarkey (muh-LAR-kee) is defined as: speaking foolishness, nonsense, or insincerely. So this fellow was basically calling his coworker a liar, but in a rather charming way.

πŸ‘There's something to be said for charm! I vote two thumbs up for malarkey because it says A LOT without having to say a lot.



Thanks for reading. I'll see you again May 1st. In the meantime, if you like my newsletter, here are a few easy ways to show your support:

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Writing And Other Stuff

Every second Wednesday, I share fresh ideas to help you write with flair, flex your creative muscles, and build a strong brand voice.